Wednesday 1 April 2015

The birth of Bokkie

The birth of our newest member on the farm inspired us to start a blog where we can tell readers about life on the farm. What started out as our usual afternoon feeding routine turned into a day of awe, when a baby springbuck was found lying in the grass. None of the ewes recognised her as their own and after an hour in the veld, waiting for one of them to acknowledge her as her offspring, we realised that we would have to take her home with us. Never an easy decision to take, we jumped into action, picked up the cold and hungry fondling, wrapped her in a towel, drove home and started feeding her.

We were lucky, she took to the bottle easily, gulping down the warm milk before settling on her bedding and fell fast asleep. She is quite at home already and thinks she is now aJack Russel, much like Maxi, her best friend and surrogate mom.

It is so special to wake up in the mornings, switch on the kettle, warm her milk and be greeted at the back door by her special sounds.  And, by golly, do not take too long, you hear the agitation in her voice!

We have decided to call her Nala and she is already a well loved member of the Tswalu family.

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